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床版外壁のサーマルブリッジ熱橋Ψ値 Exterior wall on floor slab


A typical connection detail is shown below:

注意 計算モデルを作成する前に、どの建物構成層が計算に関連し、どの層が無視できるかを確認する必要がある。例えば、材質や透水性により断熱効果のない目隠し層は無視することができる。また、防湿層やシーリング層の外側にある外周部断熱材について、より低い定格値が適用されるかどうかも考慮する必要がある。

Note! Before preparing the calculation model, it should be checked which building component layers are relevant for the calculations and which can be disregarded. Thus for example, blinding layers can be disregarded which do not have any significant insulating effect on account of their material or due to their water permeability. It should also be considered whether poorer rated values apply for perimeter insulation which is outside of the moisture barrier or sealing layers.


For the example given here, the bottom concrete layer (layer number 19) is disregarded because the insulating effect is small compared to the surrounding earth. The perimeter insulation (layer number 18) lies outside of the moisture barrier (layer number 17) and therefore has a poorer rated value for thermal conductivity according to the approval. The following U-value results for the exterior wall:

計算モデル Calculation model

まず、コンダクタンス L2d を計算するための全体的なモデルを作成する。建物の実際の大きさがわからない場合、B'をオプションBとして選択することができますが、小さすぎないようにします(B′>5m)。ここでは、B′=7,992mを選択しました(外壁を含む)[注:一部の熱流ソフトウェアプログラムでは、モデル内の寸法に不都合な小数点以下がある場合がありますが、これは重要ではありません]。床スラブは対称軸までしかモデル化されないため、長さB÷2=3,996mとなる。外壁の高さは検査する面積の3倍とする。長さは外壁の基準、つまり外周断熱材の下端までで測定することが重要である。PHPPの計算では、同じ寸法基準を使用する。ここに示す例では、外壁の長さは2.03mです。土のブロックは、少なくとも2.5×B′の大きさでモデル化する必要があります。以下の図には、すべての関連する基準寸法と境界条件が含まれています。最終的に、コンダクタンスを決定するために温度に関するどの境界条件を使用するかは関係ないが、表面温度を決定するために後で必要となる境界条件を使用することを推奨する。図の下部はコンダクタンスL2dの計算を示しており、これはヒートフローソフトウェアプログラムを使用して計算された熱流から生じます。

First, an overall model is prepared for calculating the conductance L2d. If the actual size of the building is not known, B‘ can be selected for the option B, but it should not be too small (B′>5m). B′=7,992m was selected here (including the exterior wall) [Note: With some heat flow software programs the dimensions in the models may have inconvenient decimal places; however this is not of any significance]. The floor slab is only modelled up to the axis of symmetry and thus has the length B/2=3,996m. The height of the exterior wall should be three times as high as the area to be examined. It is essential that the length is measured based on the exterior references, that is, up to the lower edge of the perimeter insulation. The same dimensional reference should be used in the respective PHPP calculation. In the example shown here, the length of the exterior wall is 2.03 m. The block of earth should be modelled with a size of at least 2,5⋅B′. In the following illustration all relevant reference dimensions and boundary conditions are included. Ultimately, it is irrelevant which boundary conditions for the temperature are used for determining the conductances; however, it is recommended that those should be used which will be needed later on for determining the surface temperatures. The lower part of the illustration shows the calculation of the conductance L2d, this results from the heat flow calculated using the heat flow software program.

コンダクタンスの計算 L2d Calculating the conductance L2d




次のステップでは、床スラブのコンダクタンスを決定しなければならない。規格のオプションBによれば、前述のように、これは追加のシミュレーションによって行われます。DIN EN ISO 10211では、この目的のために外壁を取り除き、断熱境界で代用しています。床スラブは、その伝達抵抗のみを計算に考慮した方がよい。そのために、与えられた土塊に対応する長さ(この例ではlBP=3,996m)で伝達抵抗を表示する。規格DIN EN ISO 13370とPHPPは、床スラブが地面に敷かれていることを前提としているため、この伝達抵抗は、床スラブが数センチ地中に達しているにもかかわらず、地表面と水平になっている。この結果、Ψ値はPHPPの計算方法の基本的な仮定と一致することになります。

In the next step, the conductance of the floor slab must be determined. According to option B in the standard, as mentioned before this takes place through an additional simulation. In DIN EN ISO 10211 the exterior wall is removed for this purpose and substituted with an adiabatic boundary. It is better to take the floor slab into account in the calculation only with its transfer resistance. For this, the transfer resistance is displayed with the corresponding length (in this example with lBP=3,996m) on the given block of earth. Because the norm DIN EN ISO 13370 as well as the PHPP assume that floor slabs are laid on the ground, this transfer resistance is level with the ground surface although the floor slab reaches a few centimetres into the ground. This has the effect that the resultant Ψ-value matches the assigned basic assumptions in the calculation approach of the PHPP.

床版のコンダクタンス LBP Conductance of the floor slab LBP


The conductance of the exterior wall will now be determined, after which the Ψ-value of the whole connection can be calculated as shown below:

外壁のコンダクタンス LAW Conductance of the exterior wall LAW

Ψ値の計算Calculation of the Ψ-value


In practice, pre-prepared Excel templates for calculating the Ψ-values should be used for simplification. One can enter the heat flows and the necessary lengths here and the desired Ψ-value is received as the result directly.


Note regarding the result! The relatively strongly negative Ψ-value is due among other things to the fact that the existing insulation skirt is also depicted in the Ψ-value. The person processing this information should be aware that the Ψ-value shown here contains not only the geometric thermal bridge effect in the classic sense but also includes other effects besides the insulation skirt. Thus, in this example the Ψ-value also takes into account the fact that the floor slab is slightly sunk into the ground and therefore a small part of the exterior wall also lies in the ground.


Attention ! If the connection to be calculated has an insulation skirt, then its influence will also be depicted in the Ψ-value. In the PHPP the edge insulation therefore must not be entered additionally as it would then be taken into account twice.

表面温度の決定 Determining the surface temperature 


For determining the minimum surface temperature and the fRsi factor, the same procedure as for any other thermal bridge can be used in this case as well.

最低表面温度とfRsiの決定 Determining the minimum surface temperature and fRsi





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